This is where you determine who will play which side in a particular game. The default setting is: White played by Human and Black played by Strategram. Selecting <BD>Who Plays...</BD> from the <BD>Actions</BD> menu will bring up a dialog with two popup menus. The popup menus enable you to assign the players and display the current assignment.
For example, to change the settings so that the computer will play white as a Novice and the human player will play black, click on the top popup menu and select Novice, then release the mouse button. The top popup menu should display: Novice, if not make sure you select the correct entry. Then click on the bottom popup menu and select Human (first item) and release the mouse button.
Popup entries represent computer-simulated personalities with the exception of the Human option. Computer personalities differ from one another in their level of play and approaches to the game. Choosing computerized players for both White and Black, will initiate a "hands-off" competition between the opponents immediately after you click <BD>OK</BD>. You will need to bring up this dialog and select Human as one of the opponents if you wish to re-enter the competition yourself.
Both sides can also be played by human competitors, in which case, the computer will serve as the moderator and referee announcing illegal moves and winning status when such is attained.
Click <BD>OK</BD> to implement your choices, <BD>Cancel</BD> to leave the current settings unaffected.